
A word in season

Hope is Rising

Hope, a new season, a cautious reopening. We are pleased to welcome you to book a seat for Easter Sunday via 

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Hopes, plans, and daydreams…

Winter is very much upon us, while not always welcome, the crisp white snow offers a sense of; peace, tranquility, and pause. Meanwhile in the ground the preparation, the rest, the new growth just below the surface seems almost palpable. Spring always follows winter. While Spring may seem a long way off the newness of spring is coming.

We here at EBC are looking forward to “spring”. Reopening after the winter of covid and lockdowns. Welcoming back groups that share our space, friends to the church, and services full of song and life. We aren’t there yet and no one can say exactly when “spring” will be upon us. But hope is rising.

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May (your) God go with you – this Christmas

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A Russian Pastor Remembered

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Get behind me Satan!

Sometimes Jesus spoke very directly to people. Many instances are recorded of his confrontations with the pharisees. But the words, “Get behind me Satan!” were spoken to one of his chosen disciples. Why did He speak this way? Might he do the same to today’s followers?

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Holding your balance

The Christian life involves holding together pairs of opposites. This is not schizophrenia. It’s God’s way to keep us strong!

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When you pray…

Developing a consistent prayer life isn’t easy! Wandering thoughts; same old routine, falling asleep…. no wonder the disciples asked Jesus for help. Here are a few thoughts on what he had to say….

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Pressing on and growing up

The Christian life is not a stand-still. It involves moving forward and growing up. One way that God helps us to grow is….

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Fathers’ Day

God’s offer to the world he loves is to give a new life to those who receive His Son Jesus. At the very heart of this new life is knowing God as father…

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The tragic and unjust killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis by a member of the police force has triggered BLM protests round the world, not least in the UK. Some of these have featured violence and damage to property. How should Christians view these things and how should we respond?

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