Hopes, plans, and daydreams...

You’ve undoubtedly heard in previous issues of the Trident about EBC’s internal process. We wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts about this and ask a couple of questions of you that would greatly help us in our process.

Winter is very much upon us, while not always welcome, the crisp white snow offers a sense of; peace, tranquility, and pause. Meanwhile in the ground the preparation, the rest, the new growth just below the surface seems almost palpable. Spring always follows winter. While Spring may seem a long way off the newness of spring is coming.

We here at EBC are looking forward to “spring”. Reopening after the winter of covid and lockdowns. Welcoming back groups that share our space, friends to the church, and services full of song and life. We aren’t there yet and no one can say exactly when “spring” will be upon us. But hope is rising.

Part of our internal process, that we would like to invite you to contribute towards, is trying to better meet the needs of the village and surrounding families. What do you think Eynsford needs?

Something we are considering is hosting an alpha course. Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God. It would be a Wednesday night, from 7pm, with a meal included. Would you be interested?

Another question we have is much broader… What do you want from the church here at EBC? What do you hope we will continue? What might we start that would be of value? What do you wish we would do, contribute, or offer?

Our desire is to be a blessing to our community, to love and show the love of Jesus to our community, and to grow in every aspect as a church. We have been so encouraged by the village over the years. If this past years experience has taught us anything it is that we are stronger together.

If you would let us know what you think you can contact us at: EynsfordBaptist@gmail.com or via text or WhatsApp at: 07434632713 or via our NEW Facebook Page.

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.