Information for hirers

Terms and practical guide-lines

craft fayre

Eynsford Baptist Church is first and foremost a place of Christian worship. Hirers should be aware that the church is only available for hire activities that are compatible with Christian belief and practice. The purpose of the hiring should be declared beforehand.


Please contact the church via email to discuss your requirements, arrange a viewing and book.

We ask hirers to arrange their own insurance for their activities and we ask to see a copy of the relevant certificate.

We ask hirers to complete their own risk assessments for their activities and to ensure that adults supervising activities are either parents or relatives or have DBS checks and that external groups have their own safeguarding policy.

Practical matters

To keep the cost down we ask all hirers to be responsible for vacuuming and tidying the rooms at the end of the hiring.

A Henry vacuum is available together with cleaning materials. We particularly ask hirers whose activities involve children and food make sure that the room is left clean and crumb-free.

Hirers will be given information on how to gain access to the church.

The church does not have its own car park. We ask hirers to park considerately on the main road and we advise that all car drivers fold back their wing mirrors before leaving their vehicle.


The church treasurer will provide an invoice and the relevant details for payment.

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.